Saturday 18 May 2013

Star of the Day

We have turns at being the Star of the Day in Room 2.  It is a responsible job because we have to help Mrs Scott when she is calling the roll. We have to get the notices from the office and be the line leaders. We also have to hand out books and paper to everyone in the class.



  1. Hi Room 2
    Being a leader in your class is really important. Not just because you get to do all those helpful things in Room 2, but also because you get to practice being great KC kids too!
    Do you know what one of the most important leadership roles there is for Year 6 children at Vardon School? Maybe one day you will be a wonderful senior leader when you are a Year 6 student.

    Mrs Paton

  2. Hi Room 2 Alannah from Room 14 here,
    I was looking at your blog and I thought that the stars of the day must have to work really hard!
    Can you tell me how hard it is to call the roll? I sounds hard!!

  3. Hi Room 2
    That sounds great fun. You get to be a leader like in the seniors.
    Do you have fun doing it?
    From Rebecca

  4. Room 2 children - It's fantastic to see you all learning these leadership skills - Kobe I am very proud of you!
